Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Getting to Know The Girl in the Garret

Real Name: Katy Alice

Favorite Books: Moby-Dick, American Gods and The Night Circus

Explain the Blog’s Name: Well, as I mentioned in my first post I took the ‘Garret’ idea from Jo March’s attic hideaway in Little Women. As for why I chose the ‘Girl’ part when I am more of the age to be called a “woman”… well it’s because it’s alliterative and rolls off the tongue better. Also, I have no problem with the word girl. I know that makes me controversial in some of the feminist circles I run in, but you see, I don’t see anything inherently pejorative or wrong with being a girl and therefor I don’t see anything wrong with calling myself a girl regardless of my age.

And Now… The Newbie Book Blogger Tag!
While I’m not exactly a fresh hand at the old book blogging game, this is my first real attempt at running one on my own. So, I figured I’d give the tag a try. Without any further ado, let’s get to it!

           Why did you start this blog?
Because my blogging home of two years is closing at the end of May, and I’ve grown accustomed to having a voice in the online book community. Also, I don’t have many people in my immediately social circle with whom I can chat about books, and I like having an outlet for my ramblings.

        What are some fun and unique things you can bring to book blogging?
Well, I tend to bring a slightly more academic feminist read to popular fiction than the casual blogger based on my education background. And I am not shy about sharing my honest opinions of books in reviews even if they are not flattering.
But if I’m being REALLY honest the only truly unique thing I bring to book blogging is me, my perspective and particular love of books and the bookish community.

 What are you most excited for about this new blog?
I’m excited about my upcoming #YApril project (more on that next week) and just getting to be the primary voice on this blog. While I loved blogging for The Bookish Blog, I was part of a staff and that meant keeping with a certain tone. I was never told to keep my politics and beliefs to myself, I felt compelled to because the tone of the site in general was pretty light, and I didn’t want to ruffle any feathers. But THIS is my blog and I’m the only one I have to answer to… so that’s pretty exciting.

 Why do you love reading?
Geez… that’s a loaded question. What’s not to love about reading? I guess I first loved reading because I learned how to very early and was always praised for it, so it became kind of my thing. I was the bookworm of my family/neighborhood/friend group. I was Belle and Jo and Matilda and Hermione and that identity meant and means a great deal to me. I continue to love reading because I’m a touch socially awkward and overly cautious in the real world, but in my books I can be absolutely anyone, go anywhere and do anything. Reading takes me away from me, but it also teaches me about myself in surprising ways. It’s just my very favorite thing.

         What book or series got you into reading?
My mom read Little Women with me when I was five (she read it to me when I was home sick for two weeks with scarlatina aka Scarlet Fever which isn’t a genius idea if you’re familiar with that particular novel, but that’s another story for another time), but I probably really fell in love with reading when I read Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great by Judy Blume, Matilda by Roald Dahl, and Harriet the Spy by Louise Fitzhugh. I liked books about bold girls because I wasn’t and I learned how be brave from them… I sometimes think I should go back to those books and relearn some of those lessons.

         What questions would you ask your favorite authors?
How do you do it? How do you focus the ideas and make them come out story shaped? Do you ever lose your voice? How do you find it again? And I guess I’d asked them how they would write me as a character.

         What challenges do you think starting a blog will be the hardest to overcome?
Keeping up with it when I get busy or blocked. It’s the same thing that has plagued me every time I’ve tried to blog in the past. But in the past I’ve done kind of general lifestyle/personal blog things, so I think the specific book focus should help with that… that and I’ve got a backlog of old reviews/posts I can reshare when I’m feeling stuck.

         When did you start reading?
I learned to read when I was three (little things and picture books, I didn’t get into chapter books/novels until I was five or six) and it became part of my daily routine around that time.

         Where do you read?
Anywhere, everywhere. I keep a book with me at all times. But I guess my favorite reading spots are in my bed and in the corner of my couch… I prefer quiet places.

       What kind of books do you like to read?
I prefer fiction of most stripes… I don’t really dig fantasy or Science Fiction. I also go through phases where all I want to read is Nonfiction. Soooooo I guess I read all kinds of books.

Well there you have it, a little bit about me! I’d love to learn about you, feel free to answer any of these questions in the comments!

Monday, March 27, 2017

Welcome to the Garret

Hello, dear readers, and welcome to my garret. 

Here you will find my musings on books, literary media and culture and other bookish things. I am first and foremost a lover of books, many of my most important life decisions have be made in service of this love, primarily my decision to get my BA and MA in literature without a really clear plan on how to make that work in the nonacademic world… I’m an adjunct English professor for the time being.

I try to carve out little pockets of my life to celebrate my nonacademic love of books and all that goes along with them and have found that the internet is certainly the best place to share and connect with likeminded literature lovers (how’s that for some killer alliteration?). I run a book-centric Instagram (#bookstagram) account with the same name as this blog, maintain semi-regularly updated Litsy and GoodReads profiles and until very recently I wrote exclusively for The Bookish Blog (which was an amazing two year gig, but all good things come to an end and what not) and you can still visit that site until May 20th if you’d like to see what you’re in for.

But as all readers know, every ending is just an opportunity for another beginning, and that’s what The Girl in Garret is for me, a new project, a chance write what I want without having to fit it into someone else’s mission statement or philosophy. It’s going to be my bookish little corner of the internet.

It’s with this in mind that I named this blog. The “Garret” in question is a reference to hideaway of my favorite literary heroine, Jo March from Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. Jo’s garret was her refuge, where she spent hours reading and writing and dreaming… and I couldn’t think of a better place to explore my own bookish passions.

So again, I welcome you to my garret. Drop by when the mood strikes and stay as long as you like.