Monday, March 27, 2017

Welcome to the Garret

Hello, dear readers, and welcome to my garret. 

Here you will find my musings on books, literary media and culture and other bookish things. I am first and foremost a lover of books, many of my most important life decisions have be made in service of this love, primarily my decision to get my BA and MA in literature without a really clear plan on how to make that work in the nonacademic world… I’m an adjunct English professor for the time being.

I try to carve out little pockets of my life to celebrate my nonacademic love of books and all that goes along with them and have found that the internet is certainly the best place to share and connect with likeminded literature lovers (how’s that for some killer alliteration?). I run a book-centric Instagram (#bookstagram) account with the same name as this blog, maintain semi-regularly updated Litsy and GoodReads profiles and until very recently I wrote exclusively for The Bookish Blog (which was an amazing two year gig, but all good things come to an end and what not) and you can still visit that site until May 20th if you’d like to see what you’re in for.

But as all readers know, every ending is just an opportunity for another beginning, and that’s what The Girl in Garret is for me, a new project, a chance write what I want without having to fit it into someone else’s mission statement or philosophy. It’s going to be my bookish little corner of the internet.

It’s with this in mind that I named this blog. The “Garret” in question is a reference to hideaway of my favorite literary heroine, Jo March from Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. Jo’s garret was her refuge, where she spent hours reading and writing and dreaming… and I couldn’t think of a better place to explore my own bookish passions.

So again, I welcome you to my garret. Drop by when the mood strikes and stay as long as you like.

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